Our Story
My name is Sam and I'm excited to tell you about my business, Cedar Leather. For me, leatherwork has been an interest of mine since childhood when my dad introduced me to it through his own exploration of the craft. This gave me the opportunity to experiment and create which quickly became a hobby. The more I learned the more my passion grew.

Once I felt I was able to create products to a standard that I could be proud of, I shared this craft with friends and family while also developing the ambition to eventually share it with the world.

It was during our second year at university that my friend Ed recognized the potential of my work and became my business partner. His support helped me see that it was possible to share my creations with a wider audience and to help change this from a dream to reality.

It is this partnership that has given rise to Cedar Leather— the product of my years of learning and Ed's dedication to business. Together, we strive to bring you well crafted leather goods that reflect our shared commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

We want to thank you for visiting our shop. With many more products soon to be released, we invite you to explore our collection and join us on this journey.
Follow us on social media!
Email: samleggleather@gmail.com
Phone: +44 7525 444677
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